Fluffyslip Site Update: A Brief Hiatus for a Fresh Look! - Fluffyslip

Fluffyslip Site Update: A Brief Hiatus for a Fresh Look!

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Hello Fluffyslip Fam,

We hope you're all cozy and comfortable. We wanted to take a moment to let you in on some exciting news about Fluffyslip! Between February 4th and February 17th, we'll be temporarily suspending shipping as we undergo a little makeover.

What's Happening:

  • Site Enhancements: We're giving our website a fresh new look and enhancing your shopping experience.
  • Departmental Changes: We're expanding some departments and saying goodbye to others to streamline your shopping journey.
  • Catalog Improvements: Expect a more extensive and improved catalog with curated selections to suit your style.

What It Means for You:

  • Minimal Marketing: As we focus on our updates, you might not see as much marketing during this period, but don't worry, we're still here!
  • Orders and Shipping: We won't be fulfilling orders between February 4th and February 17th. But don't fret; we'll be back soon to send all your cozy essentials your way.

How You Can Stay in the Loop:

  • Newsletter Registration: Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest news, releases, and exclusive offers.
  • Order Return Windows: If your return window falls during our maintenance period, no worries! We'll honor an extension on your return window.

Our Commitment: At Fluffyslip, we're committed to bringing you quality, style, and comfort. This brief pause is all about making your shopping experience even better, and we can't wait to share the results with you.

We appreciate your continued support, and we look forward to unveiling our refreshed look soon. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at help@fluffyslip.com.

Thank you for being part of the Fluffyslip family!

Warm regards, The Fluffyslip Team

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